职责描述: 1.负责直营平台人员全面管理及梯队建设工作; Be responsible for the overall management and echelon construction of the financial sales team; 2.负责搭建总部及直营店人员考核、培训管理机制; Be responsible for establishing the assessment and training management mechanism for the personnel of the headquarters and direct stores; 3.负责业财系统拉通筹建及统一支付平台等信息化推进工作; Be responsible for connecting sales business and finance, and promoting the informatization of Online payment platform; 4.负责组织开展直营店所有财务系统的上线工作(SAP、共享中心、资金系统、发票系统) Responsible for organizing the launch of all financial systemsof direct-sale stores (SAP, sharing center, fund system, invoice system etc.) 5.对资金及税务有较强的风控管理能力,能及时发现直营店资金和税务存在的问题并反馈和解决; Have strong risk control and management ability for capital and tax, and be able to timely find out the problems existing in the capital and tax of Direct stores and feed back and solve them 6.负责搭建直营店审计体系,降低经营风险; Be responsible for establishing the audit system of Direct stores and reducing business risks; 7.负责组织搭建财务测算模型及测算执行标准; Responsible for organizing the establishment of financial measurement model and measurement implementation standards; 8.负责搭建财务预算管理制度及模板,预算执行分析模型; Be responsible for establishing financial budget management system, template and execution analysis model; 9.负责搭建直营财经分析模型,建立适合业务的可量化的KPI,向领导层提供财务及经营状况分析报告; Be responsible for building sales financial analysis model, establishing quantifiable KPIs suitable for business, and providing financial analysis report to the leadership; 10.基于业务需求,负责组织改进报告体系,划小核算单元,为业务管理提供支持; based On business needs, be responsible for organizing the improvement of the reporting system, dividing small accounting units and providing support for business management; 11.协助总部公司经营、对外投资等事项的风险评估工作,监控可能对公司造成经济损失的重大经济活动; Assist the headquarters in assessing the risks of operation and foreign investment, and monitor major economic activities that may cause economic losses to the company; 12.作为财经BP理解业务需求,提出自己合理化建议; As a financial BP, understand business needs and put forward reasonable suggestions; 13.负责月、季、年的预算工作,完成预算执行偏差编制工作; Be responsible for monthly, quarterly and annual budget work, and complete budget implementation, gap analysis, etc 14.城市店端信息系统上线、培训及指导工作,能有效快速的沟通解决直营店与本部的流程等问题; Launch, training and guidance of the city store end information system, which can effectively and quickly communicate and solve the process and other problems between the direct store and the headquarters. 任职要求: 1.3年及以上工作经验及管理经验,具有汽车行业零售、新零售以及销售财务的工作经验 2.4S店销售财务管理经验优先 3.英语能力好,听说读写流利者优先 4.具备较强的沟通能力、逻辑分析能力
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